When tasked with creating a game about one of Jane Austin's most memorable novels, our group went through extensive debating before we came to an agreement. That agreement was Sense and Sensibility. Our group believed the hard part was over, but the truth was that it was just beginning. It was a very difficult task trying to implement the elements from her novel, into our final product of the game. We attempted board games and tile games, but none of these prototypes seemed to capture the essence of her Novel and the theme she was trying to convey.
We solved this problem by creating Sense and Sensibility: The Card Game! The main goal of our card game is attempting to make it to the alter, by whatever means necessary. The players may take two paths towards their goal. They may take the loving route, which requires more time and patience, or the player may take the money route, which is faster, but has more consequences. Listed below are the Setup and Rules of the game:
- Players shuffle the Greed, Love, Trait, Asset/Liabilities and Action cards into their respective piles.
- The Action cards are split in half and each half is put into the Greed and Love cards.
- Each player draws 3 trait and 2 Asset/Liabilities cards. They are then placed face-up in front of them.
- A die is then rolled to see who goes first.
- Traits and Asset/Liabilities modify how many points you get from either Greed or Love cards – be it an increase or decrease boost. Read the card to see how your points are affected.
Play Rules:
- Players draw a card from the either the Greed or Love pile and place it face-up in front of them at the beginning of the turn.
-There are three kinds of possible cards: Love cards, Greed cards and Action cards. Action cards are mixed into both piles.
-Players collect the points on the card they draw, unless it’s an action card. Action cards are activated immediately on drawing and are played towards another player.
-Once a player has accumulated enough Love points (15) OR enough Greed points (10), they can go for a chance to woo their suitor.
-The die is rolled to see if the woo is successful. If a player is going for the Love win, they must roll a 3 or higher. If the player is going for a Greed win, they need to roll a 5 or higher.
-If a players woo is unsuccessful, that player loses half the points in the mode they chose to woo with. Play continues until a player successfully woos their suitor and wins their heart.